Impact rankings highlight community role of universities


There is an ongoing debate about the role of higher education institutions in the context of intensified competition globally, new technology and industrial structural change – the advent of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ – and ever-increasing stakeholder expectations.

The recent Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings – based on universities’ work towards 11 of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – provide another important lens on what universities are and can evolve into, in terms of their contribution to solutions to complex global and local challenges and their ability to make a difference by adding value to local and regional communities in a sustainable manner, as exemplified by the SDGs.

A previous article in University World News has outlined the technical aspects of the new impact ranking. Suffice to say, any university that provided data on SDG 17 (Partnerships), and at least three others, is included in the overall ranking.


Disclaimer: This is an excerpt, you can read the originally published article on Universityworldnews here.

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