Dr. Archana Mantri

Dr Archana Mantri, Vice-Chancellor of Chitkara University, Punjab, has 30 years of experience in Academia and other Research Organizations. She has a PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering and has worked extensively in curriculum development – specifically for making engineering curriculum project, skill and apprenticeship based. She has also worked and copyrighted several blended learning models to support modern pedagogical practices. She works extensively for enabling and rearing technologies and repositories for online, blended and flipped classrooms.

Dr Mantri works simultaneously on evolving adaptive assessments to support newer pedagogical practices. She is a Senior IEEE member and is on the advisory board of Indo Universal Collaboration of Engineering Education (IUCEE) along with 35 other international experts. At IUCEE, she is instrumental in making policy decisions, preparing the ecosystem of training the faculty for the creation of instructional design, content and implementing capacity building measures to support technology-mediated pedagogical innovations.

At Chitkara University, she is a thought leader, enabler and functional head of Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN). Under her leadership, CURIN has been able to collaborate with leading research organisations across the globe and has truly set Chitkara University to embark on the path of research.

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