Dr DNS Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of Ansal University, is a scholar with 29 years of experience. He is a Management & Financial Consultant in areas such as Valuation of Businesses for Mergers & Acquisitions; Internal Control; Economic Value Addition (EVA); Market Value Addition (MVA); Enterprise Risk Management (ERM); Management Control Systems; Decision Support Systems; Financial. He is also CEO of KR Management Consultancy Services.

Dr Kumar has expertise in the development Project Reports for clusters under various schemes and their appraisal. He has worked as a professor of Finance and has catered to young talent by mentoring and teaching them various subjects including Strategic Cost Management, Corporate Finance, Risk Management, and Valuation of Companies. Forensic Audit, Consultancy in Insolvency & Bankruptcy.

He is an active practitioner engaged in investigation of companies accountings practices; forensic accounting of projects; economic damages; lost profits; embezzlement of cash; misappropriation of assets; White Collar Crimes and so on. His expertise is well sought on bankruptcy, reorganization, consolidation, and liquidation.

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