Kunwar Shekhar Vijendra

Kunwar Shekhar Vijendra, Co-founder and Chancellor of Shobhit University, is a prominent social entrepreneur, who holds various leadership roles in many organizations. His is also Co-Chairman, National Council on Education, of ASSOCHAM- the oldest Apex Chamber of Commerce & Industries of India.

He is very actively involved with a number of social organizations and is associated with numerous organisations in varied capacities including as Advisor, Shri JP Mathur Charitable Trust, New Delhi; Chairman, Livelihood Development Research Foundation, Founder of the Centre for Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences; Mentor, International Skill Development Centre; Mentor, Centre for Law and Good Governance; Advisor, with Citizen’s Commission for Dialogue, Justice and Reconciliation, India; Member of Central Board and Executive Committee of Harijan Sevak Sangh (Founded by Mahatma Gandhi); National Council Member, All India Prohibition Council, and Senior Vice President, Centre for Education Growth and Research, among others.

Kunwar Vijendra is also the recipient of several awards and honours, and he has travelled widely in India and abroad to the countries such as the USA, the UK, Germany, Australia, Russia, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, UAE, Mauritius, Rwanda, Uganda, Croatia etc. to participate in various professional, social and educational activities.

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