Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad

Prof. Mangesh Karad is a renowned visionary and leader who has made a significant contribution to the growth of higher education in Maharashtra. He has gained a multifaceted and enlightening experience during his long stint of 32 years in the Education domain and also known for his excellent academic credentials in the Field of Technology and Management.

Prof Karad has completed his graduate and post-graduate degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune and he holds a PhD from the International University, Sri Lanka.

Prof Karad is a strong proponent of the holistic and value-based education in the country and he has made a remarkable contribution to the area of policymaking for the Higher Education sector. He was also empanelled as an advisory board member for the planning commission, Govt. of India in the past. He is currently heading PERA as a President and officiating as a Vice President for the EPSI.

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