Dr. Vidhukesh Vimal

Dr. Vidhukesh Vimal is Headmaster of The Assam Valley School (AVS). Before taking on the role of the Headmaster at AVS, Dr Vimal has spent 14 years at The Doon School, Dehradun as House Master of the Jaipur House.

Prior to that, he had also been part of Mayo College and had begun his career as a teacher at St. Francis De Sales, Delhi. He has always led student communities during his tenure.

He has had a distinguished academic career, with a PhD and M.Phil. from the University of Delhi, a B.Ed. from the Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. He has an International Post Graduate Certificate from University College, London and a Certificate Course in Student Residential Care, Australia.

He also has a Certificate in School Management & Leadership from Harvard Business and Harvard Graduate School of Education and is a Certified Special Educator from Drishti, Mumbai.

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