Dr. Shailendra Singh

Dr Shailendra Singh, COO, Amrapali Institute of Hotel Management is a dedicated hospitality professional with a doctorate degree.

He began his career in the hotel industry as a professional chef where he mastered skills in operations and management. With over 8 years of experience as a chef and operational manager in the hospitality industry, he opted to be an educationist.

During his 19 years of academic exposure, Dr Singh nurtured skills in managing educational institutes, developing policies, strategizing, developing academic learning environments and operations.

He is also a member of advisory bodies of institutions, a member of the Board of Studies of various universities actively involved in curriculum development, faculty development, student development, academic collaborations and corporate relationship development.

Dr Singh has also authored 4 books. He considers himself a learner and is keenly interested in learning new age teaching pedagogies and practising them.

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